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Since its inception by the Virginia Gentlemen Foundation,
Camp Grom has been a project that our team has felt very passionate about. As a whole, our restaurant group - the South End Trifecta consisting of Waterman's Surfside Grille, Chix on the Beach and The Shack on 8th - made a $500,000 commitment to Camp Grom when the idea of it was just that – a vision. As plans were laid and progress on the project began, so did our fundraising efforts.
By donating proceeds from various events we hosted over
the course of 5 years - such as Crush Fest, Fall Fest, the Mid-Atlantic Rockfish Shootout, and Crush N' Run, we ultimately reached our goal of a half a million dollar commitment, on April 7, 2018!
JT's Camp Grom, operated by the YMCA, is a day retreat developed especially for wounded veterans and their families, the families of fallen war heroes, and children and adults with differing abilities. It is a special place where everyone in the family can spend time and participate, together. Unlike traditional camps, Camp Grom delivers a unique, integrated and adaptive day of activities surrounded by family and friends. Adventure activities have often been frustratingly out of reach for adults and children living with differing abilities. YMCA JT's Camp Grom will allow these individuals to take part in personal development activities, educational programs, and entertainment and social gatherings, sending participants home with a new sense of confidence—empowering them and improving their quality of life.
paint pink
Paint Pink is a non-profit founded in June 2023 through the efforts of the late Kim Keene, a breast cancer warrior, and her supporters. Pink’s mission is to support local cancer patients with financial assistance for goods and services (such as payment of bills, legal fees, personal care items, house cleaning, meal delivery and more) that are not covered by insurance, thus enabling their cancer-fighting warriors to focus on their health.

girls on the run
Girls on the Run offers programs designed to inspire girls of all abilities to recognize and embrace their inner strength and make meaningful connections with others. Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills while encouraging healthy habits for life.
the pink ribbon effect
The Pink Ribbon Effect is focused on creating a community-driven approach to fighting against Breast Cancer. Their projects are designed to provide support and awareness to those affected by this disease.

ForKids is breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty for families & children.Established in May 1988 to provide emergency shelter, ForKids has grown to become oneof the largest providers of homeless services to families in Virginia. Available in 14 cities and counties in Southeastern Virginia, ForKids delivers quality individualized client-focusedsolutions designed to achieve stability for families and a lifetime of sucess for children.

SEALKIDS, through its programs, supports children in the Navy SEAL community—everyday kids living in extraordinary circumstances. SEALKIDS works as a partner with schools, parents, and the NSW community to provide individualized academic intervention services outside of the classroom to ensure on time graduation and life-long success.
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